Do you feel "stuck"? Are you having troubles manifesting the life that you desire?
Are you repeating the same patterns and don't know why?
Would you like to have your ideal relationship, resolve a chronic health issue, shift your career, improve a relationship with a family member, or hit a new income level? It starts with understanding your soul's Divine self-expression.
It is possible to shift and create something new, something better, by finding who you are again at soul-level.
This 6 month intensive is for those who are ready for total life transformation and are ready to become aligned with health, finances, career, friendships, family, personal development, spiritual development & relationships.
It is a true investment and the results can be life changing!
Month 1: Soul Healing Session
Jenni is a certified Soul Realignment® practitioner and utilizes the Akashic records as a way to help you understand who you are at soul-level, what your energetic 'gifts' are, what is blocking or restricting you from living an abundant life, and what negative karmic patterns and programs your soul has been running in the background. If there has been any soul-loss, Jenni will facilitate the healing and reclaiming process.
Before the session, Jenni will request some information from you (current name, name at birth, birthdate, birth place) and you will grant her permission to access your soul's records.
Jenni will then access your soul's records, or Akashic records, on your behalf. You can think of your Akashic records as an energetic database that stores every choice we have ever made. The information that Jenni will retrieve includes who you are at soul-level, what energetic gifts your soul possesses and specializes in, what is holding you back from living an abundant life, and what negative karmic patterns are affecting your current human experience. This all takes place before your Zoom session.
​You will then have your session with Jenni to discuss your goals for the next 6 months, your Divine Soul Blueprint, your blocks and restrictions, your patterns, and how to heal. The healing process begins with Jenni setting the intention and sending Reiki at the end of the call. The call will be approximately 60-90 minutes in length with an additional 30 minutes of healing after the call. The call will be recorded for you to listen again afterwards if you wish.
After the session, you will have a 21-day transformation process, which includes a level of commitment from you. The transformation process includes reclaiming your soul loss (if applicable), shedding away the negative karmic patterns, taking new actions based on your gifts, and finally stepping into your Divinity to live an abundant life.
Month 2: Coaching
Your first 1:1 Intuitive Life Coaching Session!
We will review your new actions, new choices based on your soul-level gifts, any resistance that came up (and it will!), set your intentions and mini-goals for the month, and receive intuitive guidance from Jenni.
Month 3: Manifesting Blueprint
Your Manifesting Blueprint is a total game-changer, seriously. Think of it as your secret recipe for manifesting your abundant life.
So many of us are “dream chasers” and have become so used to being in a state of desire that manifesting what you want is a bit uncomfortable. Not only that, but each manifested outcome brings with it more responsibility! Having consciousness of what is possible for us can make it hard to accept living at a constant state less than our full potential.
There are three reasons why we don’t manifest our desired outcomes:
What we want is incongruent to who we are, at Soul-level, and would thus not allow us to experience our Divinity (Spiritual)
What we want isn’t ACTUALLY what we want at all. It’s what we think we “should” want or what we think we can have (Ego)
We’re not taking congruent action (Physical)
And by accessing your Manifesting Blueprint, you can get help with all three of these!
Before the session, Jenni will access your 7th dimensional Manifesting Blueprint and compare it to where you are showing up currently in life.
During the Manifesting Blueprint session, Jenni will educate you on how you are designed to set intentions and what initiates the manifesting process for you. Next, we will talk about how you are designed to shift into alignment with your desired outcome(s). We will talk about the process in shifting vibrational states and about how you are currently intending to manifest your desired outcome ... and how to align your plan of action to your manifesting blueprint. It is about taking NEW ACTION, because that is what shifts our vibrational state into alignment with new circumstances.
Finally, we will address what your Blueprint means for the attainment of our manifesting goals!
Month 4: Coaching
Your second 1:1 Intuitive Life Coaching Session!
We will review your new actions, new choices based on your 2 blueprint readings, any resistance that came up (and it will again!), set your intentions and mini-goals for the month, and receive intuitive guidance from Jenni.
Jenni will also check your alignment to your manifesting Blueprint to see if there are any "tweaks" that you need to take to re-align your manifesting powers.
Month 5: Life Situation Reading
By now, you are "chugging along" with living your new life according to your Divine gifts and are manifesting like crazy.
We will now do a Life Situation Reading which looks at specific issues that you are currently encountering.
Before the session you will outline the details of your current life situation, what you are currently experiencing, and what you want to create instead.
In addition to the Life Situation Reading, Jenni will also check your alignment to your manifesting Blueprint to see if there are any "tweaks" that you need to take to re-align your manifesting powers.
Month 6: Coaching & Chakra Analysis
You will get one last Manifesting Blueprint alignment check and will receive your last intuitive coaching session to prepare you for your Divine wings after the program.
You will also get a bonus Chakra Analysis Reading to help you in understanding where you may be imbalanced and what actions you can take to keep these aligned afterwards.